Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8 Overturned...

Ever since this fight started I have been fighting to understand both sides of the arguments. I tried to put myself in the side of those for prop 8 and for those against it. Of course in the end I sided with those against prop 8. And not just because I am a gay man that is in a loving and committed relationship with a man. No, because the reasons for those in favor of prop 8 were based on fear and hate. Unrealistic fears placed in the mainstream of media....driving hatred and violence (both physical and mental), against fellow mankind. They used GOD as the basis of the arguments. They used a 2000 text to say that the union of marriage is passed down from some divine entity. That my love is not the same as their love just because it doesn't fit into their nearsighted bigoted view of what is "normal".

Today, the law of the land once again stepped in a protected the rights of the minority. Today the law did what it was put there to do. Today the law, made me proud to be and American. It made me proud of the country I love in. It gave me hope that one day, this hate and fear will be a thing of the past. That my children, AND YES, I WILL HAVE CHILDREN!!, will not live in a world that knows this fear and hatred. My children, be they hetero or homo, will not have to fear being in pubic and can also dream of that wedding that some many children dream about.

Today, I cried tears of happiness and of relief. I know there are still many more steps to be taken and this is going to go through many more court hearings. But today, a Judge put it in writing.....the will of the majority, cannot suppress the rights of the minority through the lies, fears, and hatred of religious zealots.

Again, today I cried for the first time in a long time, and I still cry while I write this now. For one day soon, I will get to have that wedding I dreamed of when I was a little boy. A wedding filled with happiness, love and above all, equality.

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