Monday, May 25, 2009

Toxic People....

A question I have been asking myself often lately. How does on go through life without letting others toxic and negative lifestyles interfere and encroach into my life? Living with others is always a challenge. How far do I extend myself, how far do I let things go to make a living situation easier?

I think I have to sit back and weigh the good and the bad. Currently I have been re-evaluating my life and my friends and acquaintances. I needed to fill my life with people with a more positive outlook on life and everything around them. I need to fill my life with those who will not only challenge my intellect but will also cut through the bullshit and tell me what needs to be said. How else are we suppose to grow unless we are called out at times on our facades that we put up to try and fool those around up. Not only to fool those around us, but to try and fool ourselves too.

When we look through this bullshit and call someone out, I think one way to you know who a friend is or not is how they take what you tell them. If they go off, and get super defensive and lash back with a verbal attack meant to just hurt, then they aren't going to listen to you and probably means they aren't really a friend.

But if they listen to what you say, and maybe not right away, but after come to you to ask what you think they need to do, then they are someone who cares what you think. And if they are someone who cares what you think, then they might actually care for you. Not always though, they could be someone who has to have everyone like them, and in that case, what I am saying here might not work.

We need to remember too, if you really care about someone, then you are going to think long and hard and carefully plan what you will say. You would make sure to not make anything said something that is an attack against them. Always try to get them to see that what they are doing is affecting you, and making you unhappy, and causing you some grief.

But all in all, what I believe in the end must be done, is to be selective of those you surround yourself with. And if you do have people like this in your life, stop wasting time with them, cut them loose and move on.

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