Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 42

So originally when I started this voyage of no drinking it was in support of my wonderful husband that his come to terms that he has an addiction issue. (and I may too.) I didn't think much of it, but over the past couple of weeks, thanks to a couple of friends, I started to think about things and over the past 15 years:

#1. The longest i had gone without a drink over the past 15 years is when I had a SERIOUS breakdown and had to start group therapy, and that was only 30 days.
#2. For about 5 of those years, right in the middle, I got caught up in the 'party' scene and was right dab smack in the middle of it.
#3. I have been through numerous jobs over the past 15 years, just trying to find myself, and to my amazement, a lot of it has come to me over the past 42 days.

I find myself enjoying the little things in life. A sunny day like today. A nice, hand brewed hot tea. I find my temperment level way down. It now takes more than just some stupid comment to set me off. I find that I actually sit back and analyze the situation and usually empathize with the other person and that seems to d:Fuse the bad feelings. I am able to concetrate more on my homework, and find myself thinking about my lessons on my commute to and from work and when I am sitting in bed late at night.

I am a little nervous about the move to New York. The begining of 2010 is going to be chaos.
1. Move to NY.
2. Start new school.
3. Find new job there.
4. 20 year reunion. (Yes, that is right, my 20 year reunion is next year. And I am looking forward to it.)

This will be a challenge, but at the same time a great adventure. I have met many friends through FB and other friends that live in NY and it will be great to actually live there and be able to see them.

I am needing to head out. But I think this is where I will always place my daily thoughts for the day. I think after 40 days sober, you should relish something new about every day. Live life to the fullest. Carpe Diem

Day 42: I will cherish each and every person I come into contact with today as if they were my new best friend.

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