Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things...

So on Facebook everyone was doing this random list. I finally gave in and wrote down 25 of my own. Here they are for everyone to look over.

Ok, Ok, I will finally do this list….I give in…

1. While the doctor was ripping me from my mother’s womb, he gave me a black eye. So the nurses put little bootie on my hands and sat me up to look like a boxer and took a picture. That picture still hangs behind the nurse station at the hospital.
2. I am happy that I will never get over my fear of spiders.
3. I have a huge crush on Jodie Foster.
4. I don’t subscribe to just one religious belief, but take a little from each (Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Voodooist, etc.) and base my spiritual beliefs from that.
5. I want to move to Durango, CO when I finish school.
6. I love and want a big truck. (I know, I know, not green…..but I don’t care!)
7. I really enjoy college and probably will be in school one way or another, the rest of my life.
8. I am going to spend some time after I graduate helping developing societies with their psychological medical programs.
9. I am writing a novel that is a combination of several inter-wound short stories.
10. I was a skinny dork in high school.
11. I hate my toenails to be touched by anyone besides myself.
12. My best friend in the 6th grade was this Spanish boy that spoke no English. But we still had fun even though we didn’t understand a word of what each was saying.
13. Had a tricked out ’69 VW Bug in high school.
14. Has a superhuman sense of smell and hearing.
15. I have 9 tattoos.
16. I have a terrible case of ADD.
17. I do not like being labeled a ‘bear’!
18. I like to go boar hunting.
19. I have to have shoes on unless I am in bed, the shower, the beach or the pool.
20. My bed needs to be made ASAP after I get out of bed.
21. I wasn’t this OCPD when I was a child.
22. I watch too much CNN.
23. I have never been out of the U.S. besides Mexico and Canada.
24. I am a pretty secretive person and don’t like people to know too much about me.
25. I think about and miss my grandma Bernice every day, even 20+ years later.

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