Monday, April 4, 2011

The Red Rocks...

On a warm spring evening the rocks atop Corona Heights glow in a warm red. The sun reflects off the windows across the bay like diamonds on the hills. The breeze is cool and constant as it comes in off the Pacific Ocean. The city is a bustle winding up the beginning of another week. I reflect on my thoughts of the day. There weren't any deep thoughts worth writing down.
Facing my faults and acquiring the tools necessary to change them is a difficult thing. I thought I was happy with myself, but I realize I was only partially happy. I have this image of the kind of person I believe and want to be, but I have not taken the steps to get there. I need to work on my compassion and empathy for others. Especially those less fortunate. I want to find my true inner self. I think I am almost there, I just have a corner to round.

1 comment:

  1. You poet, you. This caught my eye because it began so beautifully and I can attest that the angst toward yourself took over. I am a firm believer in that the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT step toward happiness is to acknowledge you are not perfect and that something feels "off". If you have no self-awareness, it is hard to be anything. Thus, I am proud of you and you should too. Despite our needless need (!ha!) to have proof of greatness, you have to consider yourself fortunate for being in a place of self-exploration AND always remember that perhaps the perfect picture of ourselves that we paint so effortlessly is not necessarily attainable; not because we cannot ATTAIN it but because it is irrelevant for utter happiness. We may not be on the same stepping stone, but know that you have a friend on said winding road ={D

