Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010.....Thoughts

I am actually having a hard time coming up with my first random thoughts to write about. One of the first things I thought about this morning on my way to the gym was how San Francisco is a town full of adults who refuse to grow up. Especially in the Mission District.

Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with it. I think it is humorous to see a man in his late 40's in a AFI t-shirt, on a skateboard. But what gets me is the glamorization of those in the 25-40 age bracket that embrace the image of poverty. Now I could understand if they were following a minimalist way of life. Consuming 12 packs in the park in your new American Apparel wardrobe sitting next to that bike that cost >2000, and that is one of 4-5 that you have, is not living the minimalist lifestyle.

And I completely understand that we live in a creative climate here in SF that people from all over the United States flock to.......but contribute to making society a better place. Coming to a creative class ranking city and not contribute to that class, but try to give the image that you are, is a drain on the resources and people that are contributing.

If everyone that are, what I term pseudo-creativists, would take themselves back to the cities where they came from, we here in SF that are actually creating, would have so much more of a true environment for true creativity to well up and rush forward. But unfortunately that is not going to happen, that is a utopia that is only a dream. I live in an urban society that is rich in many things, and without those pseudo-creativists I probably wouldn't get my amazing art in the foam of my latte in the morning, or the income that my partner brings in when they roll into the bar to drown their latent depression and lack of self esteem or proper social skills.

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