Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29, 2009

Two days until my favorite holiday. I love me some Halloween.....but why is that.

I think it can be atrributed to being able to dress up however you want without too much judgment from others. It allows you to let out that secret inner personality that you might keep hidden the other 364 days of the year.
Then I also see it as a rebirth, and dying of the summer and thr birth of a new time of the year. A time of the year when we do a lot of reflection on our lives, the people in our life, and to give thanks. There are some basic reasons on why I like Halloween.

It is coming up on the 1 year anniversary of my grandfathers passing. Amazing how fast a year can pass. I am looking forward to Dias de los Meurtos and the chance to celebrate the life of this wonderful man that gave me SO many wonderful memories and in a strange way many of the ways that I look on life and the things around me.

With that, I am ready to put out in the world many of the thoughts that I have been running around with and some of the changes in thinking that I am going to implement in my life. 1st, I watched a wonderful documentary the other night about a professor at Caltech and his outlook on learning and teaching....he said he always lived with the idea that he knew nothing, he had been given ideas on how something work/happens/functions, but thi

s didn't mean he knew anything, (he is a physicist) so something could have been wrong in it's description and need to be rethought. I liked this a lot, because we learn a lot in our life, but does this really mean we know anything. We have knowledge, but this doesn't mean that we 'know' things, because there is no one law that governs everything that we have dicovered. Ideas and theories are always changing, and I think to truly understand the world, we have to be flexibile, fluid, roll with the flow and understanding that this all could change at any time, and we could be back at the beginning on what we know.

Second, I'll state this again, I am happiest when I am learning. When I am in school, doing research for a project, learning about a long lost society, discovering some theory about a distant start group, or a new way to communicate, this is where I flourish, this is where I excell. I don't regret not know this about myself at an earlier age, I am just happy that I found this out and have the time and resources to persue this venture. I am so excited about the opportunity to spend the rest of my life in the academic environment, to teach others some of what was passed on to myself and some of the new discoveries that will be found in the future. We live in an amazing time, technology is allowing us to discover secrets of how things work and should be giving us a lot more compassion and thought and care to this wonderful place we occupy. Now if we could come to the present and start to leave the ancient stories and beliefs of god out, and start following what nature is telling us, I think we could go so far. But until that happens, we will have these conflicts with our fellow humans, we will continue the sensless killings and prejeduces that hinder our growth.

And yes, I will say this, again and again and again.........the present and the future are no place for a society that wtill wraps its existance, it's laws, it's moral issues in a 'GOD'.......the bible and it's teaching were for an anciety society that didn't know how to exlplain how things is a great history lesson, but really has no place in an advanced society. What would happen if we left god out of a childs upbringing? Would this child turn out a heathen....murderer.....criminal....insane? This would be an interesting experiment.

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