Monday, September 7, 2009

What Does it Take to Truly be Happy

This is something that has come up a lot in conversation lately. Some of the conversations have centered around money, while others on quality of life. Recently I was asked the question, in a very round about way, if I was happy. I didn't answer back right away, again, I wasn't asked directly if I was happy. (This came about from a discussion about conflict and always finding something to complain about.)

Suddenly I found myself in deep thought in regards to this matter for an entire day. And what was the conclusion I came to........

#1: I am not independently wealthy. So money is something I have to think about and manage very carefully. But I DO NOT let it control my life or the quality of my days. If I have extra....great. If not, I know I have my bills covered, so there is no worries there.

#2. I am in great health. I know of many friends who are getting to that dreaded age....40....and have had many health problems. I see the post all the time on Facebook, and I am very thankful that I am not having to deal with that.

#3. I have a great living space. Is it my dream place, by all means no. Is it comfortable, with lots of room and something I enjoy coming home to, yes. It is a great place to relax. (2 months ago, this would have NOT been the case.)

#4. I have a great partner who is very supportive and encouraging. We do have our issues, I think all couples do. We are also going through some growing pangs, again, I think it happens to all couples at around the 3 year mark. But with all that we have been through, and to still be together, that is a statement in our love for each other.

#5. In general, I do not have anything to complain about. School is going great....I am going back to work because I want to, not need to. I do have little stresses, like applications to Berkeley and managing the funds. But that is part of life, and nothing to be complaining about.

So, am I happy. YES! I am happy with my life, and most importantly, I am happy with myself.

I have a decently simple life, and I think that if I had much more in it, it could possibly decay this happiness I have and that is something I wish to avoid.....

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