Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Start of Spring 2009.....

Well school started for me this week. It is going to be a mix of interesting/easy/time consuming classes. There is going to be a ton of reading to do for my philosophy class.
Cosmic Evolution will be easy as far as the grading schedule goes, but at least the class will hold my interest and I won't get bored.
American Sign Language is going to be the intense class, the professor is deaf and only signs, but I guess that is the best way to learn how to sign, baptism by fire. I haven't attended my Music of the Caribbean and Latin America, it is only in Thursday nights, so that is coming up tomorrow.

And here is the best news of all. I am probably going to be doing my internship with SFCASA. They are an organization that places children who are in the middle of a custody battle between the parents and the foster homes they have been placed. This is right up my field of study and will be experience that I can apply to my education goals and my career in the future.

I met a woman by the name of Ves on Monday night that is the liaison between CCSF and Berkeley for transfer students and we are in discussions with getting my application packet together and I'll be hopefully transferring there in the Fall of 2009. That was very exciting news, I thought I was at least going to have to wait until the Fall of 2010 and that I was going to have to put some time in at SFSU in the meantime.

I am off to work a little early and going to enjoy some if this amazing summer in January weather we have been having.


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