Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just a Few Opening Remarks

I just want to take a moment and welcome in 2009. So far the year has started off strong and in a positive direction.

1. Got an amazing job with a company that has product I love and a company that was born and still has all of it's operations here in San Francisco. A product that we see everywhere, everyday. It is my dream position, and lets see how many of the bags I own by the beginning of 2010. I love Timbuk2.

2. Finally after my last final almost 3 weeks ago, my grades were posted today. I am proud to say that I am maintaining my 3.50 GPA and forging ahead in my scholarly pursuits.

3. I am really looking forward to my fieldwork in psychology this semester. I am anxious to get my feet wet and some experience under my belt.

In the next post I am going to post my goals for 2009 and as the year moves forward I will return to the list and update my progress.

The first half of 2008 was rough to say the least. There were a lot of set backs. But as the year rolled on I made some hard decisions and choose to take my chance and return to school. I also moved out of Crack Plaza (Fox Plaza) and into a big, but sometimes very busy house in the Mission. I guess you have to give and take in order to have a little order and harmony in life.

I will post some of my writings here also. I took a short story class in the fall and realized I was actually good at it and had something to convey in my writing. I am working on a collection of short stories that I plan on putting together into a novel. It is something, that if I can find the right person to put into a screen write and see where it goes from there.

I am going to do my best to keep up on this daily, but I know with school and work and my internship, I will miss days. So until tomorrow.

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