Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010....

I am up a little earlier than normal today. I was unable to sleep due to my excitement about going to the baseball game today. I think this is the first year that I have waited so late in the season to get to a game. Next year I have it set as a goal to get season tickets.

I was thinking all day yesterday about how we are going to change the world to make it a place that we feel proud to hand down to the future generations. I sometimes wonder if mankind is going to get a clue and start to see that we cannot continue conducting ourselves in the ways we are. Not only are we destroying ourselves with the wars and competitions amongst ourselves, but also with the competition we have with the removal of natural resources. We are (HAVE) ruined the ecosystems and environment to the point that it will take centuries to correct. Why are we still in the mentality of take what we can and fuck everyone else? Why are we not teaching our children to be more conscientious and understanding of their fellow mankind? Why are we still conducting wars based on the dogma of religion and religious extremist?

With that being said, I have decided that my education and my contribution will be in teaching. I will continue and get my PhD in Psychology, but I will take my time and spend it in ways that we can turn this around and contribute to making the world a safer and kinder place for everyone. I am not sure exactly how much I can do, but with the guidance of my advisor and mentor I will be able to put my skills, knowledge, and understanding to the best possible uses.

I have been reading about the 2048 project that has the goal of putting into work a worldwide, universal Human Rights Bill and put in place an international court system that will enforce the bill/document in all countries. I believe that unless we adopt a universal human right laws, as a planet we are doomed. We cannot continue to treat peoples who have differences unequally. There are four basic human rights that we all are entitled to as humans. And these need to be enforced and granted to everyone......

(**to be followed up**)

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