Thursday, November 26, 2009


  • My health
  • My wonderful support and best friend....Shando.
  • This lovely city that I live in.
  • Finding my true passion....after sifting through a few pseudo passions over the past few years.
  • Bella and Tucker...for keeping me company while I spend hours pouring over research and articles and for keeping my feet warm under the covers at night.
  • Those whom bestow the true title of friend when referring to me.
  • The opportunity that college continuously grants me to pursue my education and knowledge.....even in these hard times.
  • The wonderful people that have come in and some even departed (too soon), that have left me with wonderful memories and stories to pass to the next generations.
  • Dr. Hubble...what more can I say, your contributions to astronomy are amazing, and I am thankful that I have had a chance to learn about them over the last couple of semesters.
  • Pinkerton and just sit there and stare at me from your watery world...and make me smile when I least expect it.
  • And to Tim V., without you I don't know where or what would have happened to me...I still remember that call and the invite to move to CA....thank you, you opened the world for me to step out into.

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